Debra Tidball


Debra Tidball has a passion for picture books that never waned from childhood through teenage years and beyond – and now she has authored her own award-winning books! When I see Grandma, with Wombat Books, drawn from her experience of having a parent with dementia, won the children’s section of the CALEB Award for faith-inspired writing.  The Scared Book won the SCBWI Crystal Kite Award for Australia and NZ. Both books were shortlisted for the Speech Pathology Book of the Year.

Debra believes picture books are for everyone! But that doesn’t stop her having fun with other writing, like flash fiction, short stories and plays, some of which have been published in anthologies and The School Magazine.

With qualifications in social work and children’s literature, Debra is a zealous supporter of book creators in Australia, and is the secretary of her local sub-branch of the Children’s Book Council of Australia, NSW Branch. She writes articles for blogs – either her own or as a guest - and has been a book reviewer with fellow Wombat Books author, Katrina Roe on Sydney radio Hope 103.2.

She lives in Sydney but pretends she lives in the country - the 100 Acre Wood with Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore would be her dream home. She loves visiting schools, preschools and libraries and finding fun and creative ways to engage students and ignite their own passion for books and creativity.

Debra's books with Wombat | Rhiza include: 
When I see Grandma

Debra Tidball

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